Welcome to the churches in the
Hartland Coast Mission Community
“God is light; in Him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]
Welcome to the Hartland Coast Mission Community website. We are a team made up of individual parishes each with its own worshipping community, together seeking to serve the people who live, work and visit here. Each is a lively community with much going on and we offer a variety of worship services within the team. We aim to provide a worship menu with something to suit everyone, with many parishes trying new forms of informal worship alongside other more traditional services. For further details please check the individual parish pages. We have a ministry of welcome to all - if you come and find a welcome, please tell your friends, if you come and don’t find a welcome, please tell us!
Safeguarding means the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture in all our churches. In order to achieve this, we need to do a lot of hard work. We will promote the welfare of children, young people and adults. We will work to prevent abuse from occurring. We will seek to protect those that are at risk of being abused and respond well to those that have been abused. We will take care to identify where a person may present a risk to others and offer support to them whilst taking steps to mitigate such risks.
In our Mission Community, there are Safeguarding Officers responsible for each of the nine parishes who can be contacted as shown
Alternatively please contact the Team Rector whose contact details can be found via the Contacts page.

If you are thinking of getting married in one of our churches please complete this form, then scan and return it to Tricia at the Parish Office hartlandcoastparishes@gmail.com
Alternatively, email for a copy editable in MS Word
Some helpful information may be found in our leaflet
Neither Hartland Coast Mission Community nor its webmaster assumes any responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site.